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9-months in charity recruitment

We were so pleased to welcome Katherine to the team in September 2020​, having joined us from working in senior development roles in the third sector.  Katherine shares more about her first few months here at Charisma.

We were so pleased to welcome Katherine to the team in September 2020​, having joined us from working in senior development roles in the third sector. A shift in career can be a daunting prospect - I know as I did the same 2 years ago - but especially for Katherine in the midst of a global pandemic. I had the chance to ask Katherine some questions about her first 9-months with us here at Charisma.

Katherine, you joined Charisma in September 2020, what was it like starting a new job right in the middle of the pandemic?

Strange! That is the obvious answer but also exciting, and it certainly made me even more grateful for the opportunity. When I started at Charisma, I had been on furlough for 5.5 months, so being back in a working environment was daunting but thankfully the team was incredibly welcoming and supportive. I had been a Development Manager and part of the Senior Management Team for an arts charity on the south coast. Like many arts and heritage organisations, who rely on visitor numbers and audiences attending shows, performances and events, it was an incredibly tough time. Getting the chance to crossover from a not-for-profit organisation to charity recruitment meant the opportunity to harness my existing skills and learn new ones. Most importantly, it allowed me to continue to support the sector.

What is the best and worst thing about homeworking?

I was lucky to have 2 months in the office, learning the processes and meeting the team, before switching to remote working when the next lockdown came. The best part of homeworking is definitely the flexibility and work/life balance the lack of commuting affords you. Working on new roles now, I expect that a full return to offices is unlikely and I have seen a noticeable trend in candidates requesting agile working moving forward. The worst thing, apart from the cat pirouetting across your Zoom meeting, is the lack of water cooler moments! Thankfully the Charisma team works hard to stay in touch, but I know the perils of silo working can often affect organisations. I think everyone is missing human interaction, and be it team days, or hybrid working, the opportunity to debate the twists and turns of the latest BBC crime drama will return in some form soon.

*5 minute conversation about Line of Duty ensued*

You were a Charisma candidate before joining the team. Did that effect your decision to join the company?

Absolutely! I had been through the process that all candidates go through and that experience is what confirmed I wanted to join the team. Like most job hunters I had been engaged by and discussed opportunities with other recruiters. However, Charisma’s approach was friendly, collaborative and transparent from start to finish. I always felt supported, well informed and never left in limbo without an answer. Applying for roles can be exhausting and not hearing back really discouraging. Charisma always kept me in the loop and made me feel valued. It felt aligned to my own accessible approach I effected when working with stakeholders in previous roles. I joined Charisma because I wanted to be a part of that culture and ensure clients and candidates felt as valued and well supported as I had been.

Katherine, it's been an absolute pleasure to take the time to ask you a few questions! But, more importantly, it's been a pleasure to welcome you in to the team at Charisma and see you thrive in supporting so many organisations attract top talent. We're so pleased you are with us.

If you are considering recruitment across your organisation then please don't hesitate to contact us here at Charisma. Or why not contact Katherine direct, who is always happy to talk all things recruitment (or the latest BBC crime drama!).

Adam Stacey
Managing Director
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